2016 Yield Contest Winners

In 2015 University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) initiated the UCCE Rice Yield Contest as a pilot study in Butte county. Due to the success of the pilot study, in 2016 the contest was expanded to include all of Sacramento Valley.Due to possible yield potential differences, the valley was divided up into 4 regions (1-NE, 2-NW, 3-SW, and 4-SE) using Hwy 20 and the Sacramento River as dividing lines.
Harvest and weighing were closely monitored by UCCE personnel. Yields are determined from a minimum of 3 acres from a 10-acre test plot and reported at 14% moisture. In 2016 there were roughly 20 yield contest entries; however, due to the early rains which interrupted harvest activities, we were only able to monitor six yield contests (from 3 regions).
2016 winners were Josh Sheppard, Steve Willey and Joe Richter. Josh, farms near Biggs (NW region), had the overall highest yields at 122.5 cwt/ac from the variety M-105. Steve Willey, farms near Pleasant Grove (SW region) and got 119.4 cwt/ac from an M-206 field. Joe Richter, growing M-205 near Maxwell (NE region), had a yield of 115.0 cwt/ac. Head rice totals for contest winners ranged from 63 to 68; total milling yields 69 to 72; nitrogen rates ranged from 160 to 165 lb N/ac; and seeding rates from 150 to 170 lb/ac. In the two years of this contest, yields have ranged from 108.4 to 126.9 cwt/ac.
In the two years we have run this contest we are learning a number of things. First, high yields are possible from a number of commercial medium grain varieties including those that are very early and early maturing. Second, even at high yields the head rice and milling yields remain good. Third, high yields are achievable throughout the Sacramento Valley. Finally, to achieve these high yields, fertilizer N rates were average for California.
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