The UCCE Rice Weeds Program tests grower submitted seed samples of potentially resistant watergrass, sprangletop, smallflower umbrellasedge and bulrush. We would like to get as much information as possible for each sample submitted so we can develop a database that may help understand the evolution and spread of resistance over time. We will keep individual grower information confidential and any reporting of results will not identify individual growers. Please fill out the form for each weed seed sample. Best timing of collection is when the seed easily falls off the seed head by gentle agitation in a paper bag. Allow seed to dry in the paper bag to prevent molding. Bring the sample and form to your local UCCE Farm Advisor or send or drop off samples at the Rice Experiment Station in Biggs:
Rice Experiment Station
955 Butte City Hwy (162)
PO Box 306
Biggs CA 95917
Download the Resistant Weed Testing form (PDF)
How to sample seeds of suspected resistant weeds (UC Rice blog post)
Resistant Weed Seed Testing (presentation, PDF)